Monday, February 28, 2011

And the Journey Begins with...Pain

After being sick for what felt like half of February, I knew by now I had no excuse. I was either going to start running today or decide not to prepare for the half marathon. I didn't back out last year and there was no way I was going to do it again. Now I just need to find the motivation to keep at this 4-5 days a week.

So now that I've decided to get off my butt, I went ahead and ran today for the first time in probably over a month. It hurt, (it still hurts now). OMG, I'm an idiot. Why am I doing this? All thoughts that went through my head as I was nearing the halfway point of my first run (which lasted about 3.5 miles). Throughout my workout, a few thoughts crossed my mind (besides doing more than one mile). One being, man I miss the Rec Center at UC. Since I'm now a grad student at XU (yes, I know I dont like it either), I was doing my running at their rec center. Makes you think, we sure had it good at UC. Secondly, Xavier kids are the most disgusting/gross ppl. Not a single person that went into the locker room showered after working out. Lastly, I can't wait until it gets nice enough to run outside. Treadmills are terribly boring to run on.

I'll keep you posted on how my next workout goes. But until then I guess I will leave you all with this, the song that closed out my run.

The Journey Begins

A few months ago I thought that signing up for the Flying Pig Half Marathon would really push me to finally get in shape again. I ran the pig last year and finished with a respectable time, so I figured if I started training earlier and harder than I could do even better.
It has been two months since I signed up...and I've ran a grand total of 2 or possibly 3 times. Therefore I started this blog in order to help motivate me so that I can actually finish the race this year. I'll keep you posted as to how my goals and milestones are going. Hopefully you can all show me some love and support (and a call to get off my lazy ass and run some more when you haven't heard from me, would be very much appreciated too).