Monday, February 28, 2011

And the Journey Begins with...Pain

After being sick for what felt like half of February, I knew by now I had no excuse. I was either going to start running today or decide not to prepare for the half marathon. I didn't back out last year and there was no way I was going to do it again. Now I just need to find the motivation to keep at this 4-5 days a week.

So now that I've decided to get off my butt, I went ahead and ran today for the first time in probably over a month. It hurt, (it still hurts now). OMG, I'm an idiot. Why am I doing this? All thoughts that went through my head as I was nearing the halfway point of my first run (which lasted about 3.5 miles). Throughout my workout, a few thoughts crossed my mind (besides doing more than one mile). One being, man I miss the Rec Center at UC. Since I'm now a grad student at XU (yes, I know I dont like it either), I was doing my running at their rec center. Makes you think, we sure had it good at UC. Secondly, Xavier kids are the most disgusting/gross ppl. Not a single person that went into the locker room showered after working out. Lastly, I can't wait until it gets nice enough to run outside. Treadmills are terribly boring to run on.

I'll keep you posted on how my next workout goes. But until then I guess I will leave you all with this, the song that closed out my run.

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