Wednesday, March 30, 2011

4+ Weeks In, And I'm Still Going Strong

So looking back on my blog posts, wow its been a while. I'm sorry its been too long since I last posted. Xavier and my other endeavors have been keeping me busy. Though not too busy to get a good (enough) work out in from time to time. Over the last two weeks I've put in somewhere around 3 runs per week. Slowly getting my long runs to get longer in anticipation for the half, which is in just about another month. But as of now my longest came tonight, 5.8 miles from my house in Oakley to Kelsey's in Clifton. And for the first time ever, Here is how I got there:

It sure was an interesting run. It had everything, from super cold 30 degree weather, to runs through at least 5 Cincinnati neighborhoods (Oakley, Evanston, O'Bryonville, Walnut Hills, and Clifton), to me being way overdressed 2.5 miles into it and me having to ditch a long sleeve shirt I was wearing just past O'Bryonville. All in all a successful run. Only walked when I felt like vomiting (just once) and when I needed to not get hit by the rich AND poor people alike that I passed by. Or should I say, passed me by. Well, sorry to cut this post a bit on the short side, but I'm exhausted and need frankly don't feel like typing for much longer.

Next up, more running (with a hopefully 6.5-7 mile run in the near but not too near future). Hopefully I can steal someone's nice little camera and take pictures of the things, people, places I run by on my next adventure through half of Cincinnati. Hope you all enjoyed this and if you have any suggestions on routes to do, or possibly Pub Runs to do, I am all ears.

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